About Us
Families on the Spectrum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that focuses on the family aspect of Autism. Our board of directors is comprised of individuals with a link to autism who are truly passionate about helping others. It is our group mission to provide support and community outreach for families affected by Autism. Our goal is to focus on families in hopes of building connections and life long bonds with other families in Western Kentucky.

2024Gala is a wrap!
Thank you to all our Sponsors that made it possible!
Our Story
Families on the Spectrum was founded in the Fall of 2013. The group was developed with the goals of providing fun family outings, meetings, parents' nights out, and community support to families affected by Autism. The focus was put on fun AND families with the hopes of building connections and life long bonds with other autism families in Western KY.
Families on the Spectrum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit group of families with loved ones or individuals on the autism spectrum. Our board of directors is comprised of volunteers with a link to Autism who are truly passionate about advocacy. After receiving an autism diagnosis the path families travel may be overwhelming and lonely. We are here to offer support, resources, and acceptance in an understanding environment. We have a wide range of resources, helpful topics, events, and information regarding specialized community and professional support. Advocacy is a daily effort for families and having a support system is vital. We know that we need each other and this community we have built.
Our desire to help one another is why we offer meetings covering a wide range of helpful topics, fun family outings, parents' nights out, and information regarding specialized community and professional support. Our goal is to help autism families connect with one another and with the support available in our region. Learning about different available therapies and where to find providers can be overwhelming. We are fortunate to have providers in our local area that offer Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy, ABA therapy, and more. Some do have wait lists so calling early is key. It is always a good idea to do research and make some calls to see who has openings and who might be a good fit for your child. We will work to keep our resources updated, but feel free to contact us if you need help.
We have big plans for the future of Families on the Spectrum and believe we can truly make a difference in advocating for individuals with Autism! Since the group was formed, we have grown tremendously and we are so excited about the many events and trainings we have been able to provide and will continue to bring to our community! Of course, there are expenses related to serving. We do will always strive to to offer outings and activities to autism families, and to further update and educate our community partners alongside ourselves. However, we cannot offer such things without support from generous sponsors. We love that our community stands behind us and allows us the opportunity to provide autism families much needed support and access to local resources.