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Insurance & Waivers

​Kentucky Autism Mandate

Requires that a large group health benefit plan and individual and small group market health benefit plans provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders.Large group health benefit planTreatment includes: medical care; habilitative or rehabilitative care; pharmacy care, if covered by the plan; psychiatric care; psychological care; therapeutic care (includes services provided by licensed speech therapists, occupational therapists, or physical therapists); and applied behavior analysis prescribed or ordered by a licensed health or allied health professional. Coverage under this section shall be subject to a maximum annual benefit per covered individual as follows: for individuals between the ages of one (1) through their seventh birthday, the maximum annual benefit shall be $50,000 per individual; for individuals between the ages of seven (7) through 21, the maximum benefit shall be $1,000, per month per individual.

Individual and small group market health benefit plan.  All health benefit plans in the individual and small group market shall provide coverage for pharmacy care, if covered by the plan: psychiatric care; psychological care; therapeutic care (includes services provided by licensed speech therapists, occupational therapists, or physical therapists); applied behavior analysis; habilitative and rehabilitative care. Coverage for autism spectrum disorders shall be subject to $1,000 maximum benefit per month, per covered individual. 

Citation: Ky. Rev. Stat. §304.17A-142 (PDF)

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304.17A-141 and 304.17A-143 repealed by 2018 Ky. Acts ch. 86,§ 2, eff. 1/1/2019.




Kentucky Medicaid Waivers

Home and Community Based Waiver

The Home and Community Based (HCB) Waiver program provides services and support to elderly people or children and adults with disabilities to help them to remain in or return to their homes.

Possible services provided may include: Assessment, Re-assessment, Case Management, Minor Home Adaptation, Adult Day Health Care, Homemaker, Personal Care, Attendant Care, Respite Care, Incontinence Supplies



Supports for Community Living Waiver

Supports for Community Living (SCL) is a home and community-based waiver under the Kentucky Medicaid program developed as an alternative to institutional care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. SCL allows individuals to remain in or return to the community in the least restrictive setting.

Supports for Community Living offers a variety of supports and services. These are based on the individual's goals, choices and priorities as identified through an individual support plan.

To view a listing of the supports and services available, visit the Division of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (DDID) SCL Web site.




Michelle P. Waiver

The Michelle P. Waiver (MPW) is a home- and community-based waiver program within the Kentucky Medicaid program developed as an alternative to institutional care for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. MPW allows individuals to remain in their homes with services and supports.

Possible services provided may include: Case Management, Adult Day Training, Supported Employment, Community Living Supports, Behavior Supports, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Respite, Homemaker Service, Personal Care, Attendant Care, Environmental/Minor Home Adaptation, Adult Day Health Care, Incontinence Supplies

For eligibility requirements or more information, visit




P.O. Box 3202, Paducah KY, 42002

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